Saturday, July 25, 2009

the letter of hope...

some friends are diamonds, some are a glass of cold water in the hottest desrt.
may be you ask: "whats the matter ?" or whats the problem with this guy ?
i' ve recieved an email from one of my friends this morning. that person that from now i name Ponyo( name of a character in the last film of the great japanese dirctor Hyao Miazaki that become come in the storm and made all things calm and bring happiness to the familly of Sasuke.)
ponyo write me about the patience in hopeless situations and thinking to the kindness of God.

i and my wife yesterday went to our dormitory to coat the walls with belka. it was so good we had meals on the ground and listen to the divine voice and music of Mohammad Reza Shajarian and eat the delicious Eshkene( a tradditional iranian food that we used to eat when i was a child.) my mother, my lovely and great mother had cooked this food for me and my Wife,Fahime.
today the birds are singing and the sky is blue ...

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